Kinetic sculptures

As co-founder with Roar Sletteland of the artist collective An index of collisions he has developed a series of kinetic sculptures and musical instruments with both Roar Sletteland and Øystein Nesheim. These sculptures are used as art objects in themselves and as musical instruments. 

Korpus, a 25-minute composition for ambisonic surround-sound speaker setup, makes use of a motorized pendulum speaker to spatialize the audio by physical movement of a sound source.

For the Neither Nor production The Art of Violin Playing, he has constructed 4 wooden robotic arms that function as audio feedback machines, as well as stage performers. 

As part of the artistic research project Emotional machines - composing for unstable media at the University of Bergen he created 22 kinetic sculptures og which 16 featured in the stage composition For one - for many - for all.